Список ошибок работы с HASP ключом

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   HASP_STATUS_OK = 0;               { Request successfully completed }
   HASP_MEM_RANGE = 1;               { Request exceeds memory range of a HASP file }
   HASP_INV_PROGNUM_OPT = 2;         { Legacy HASP HL Run-time API: Unknown/Invalid Feature ID option }
   HASP_INSUF_MEM = 3;               { System is out of memory }
   HASP_TMOF = 4;                    { Too many open Features/login sessions }
   HASP_ACCESS_DENIED = 5;           { Access to Feature, HASP protection key or functionality denied }
   HASP_INCOMPAT_FEATURE = 6;        { Legacy decryption function cannot work on Feature }
   HASP_HASP_NOT_FOUND = 7;          { Sentinel HASP protection key not available }
   HASP_TOO_SHORT = 8;               { Encrypted/decrypted data length too short to execute function call }
   HASP_INV_HND = 9;                 { Invalid login handle passed to function }
   HASP_INV_FILEID = 10;             { Specified File ID not recognized by API }
   HASP_OLD_DRIVER = 11;             { Installed driver or daemon too old to execute function }
   HASP_NO_TIME = 12;                { Real-time clock (rtc) not available }
   HASP_SYS_ERR = 13;                { Generic error from host system call }
   HASP_NO_DRIVER = 14;              { Required driver not installed }
   HASP_INV_FORMAT = 15;             { Unrecognized file format for update }
   HASP_REQ_NOT_SUPP = 16;           { Unable to execute function in this context }
   HASP_INV_UPDATE_OBJ = 17;         { Binary data passed to function does not contain valid update }
   HASP_KEYID_NOT_FOUND = 18;        { HASP protection key not found }
   HASP_INV_UPDATE_DATA = 19;        { Required XML tags not found; Contents in binary data are missing }
   HASP_INV_UPDATE_NOTSUPP = 20;     { Update request not supported by Sentinel HASP protection key }
   HASP_INV_UPDATE_CNTR = 21;        { Update counter set incorrectly }
   HASP_INV_VCODE = 22;              { Invalid Vendor Code passed }
   HASP_ENC_NOT_SUPP = 23;           { Sentinel HASP protection key does not support encryption type }
   HASP_INV_TIME = 24;               { Passed time value outside supported value range }
   HASP_NO_BATTERY_POWER = 25;       { Real-time clock battery out of power }
   HASP_NO_ACK_SPACE = 26;           { Acknowledge data requested by update, but ack_data parameter is null }
   HASP_TS_DETECTED = 27;            { Program running on a terminal server }
   HASP_FEATURE_TYPE_NOT_IMPL = 28;  { Requested Feature type not implemented }
   HASP_UNKNOWN_ALG = 29;            { Unknown algorithm used in H2R/V2C file }
   HASP_INV_SIG = 30;                { Signature verification operation failed }
   HASP_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND = 31;      { Requested Feature not available }
   HASP_NO_LOG = 32;                 { Access log not enabled }
   HASP_LOCAL_COMM_ERR = 33;         { Communication error between API and local HASP License Manager }
   HASP_UNKNOWN_VCODE = 34;          { Vendor Code not recognized by API }
   HASP_INV_SPEC = 35;               { Invalid XML specification }
   HASP_INV_SCOPE = 36;              { Invalid XML scope }
   HASP_TOO_MANY_KEYS = 37;          { Too many Sentinel HASP protection keys currently connected }
   HASP_TOO_MANY_USERS = 38;         { Too many concurrent user sessions currently connected }
   HASP_BROKEN_SESSION = 39;         { Session been interrupted }
   HASP_REMOTE_COMM_ERR = 40;        { Communication error between local and remote HASP License Managers }
   HASP_FEATURE_EXPIRED = 41;        { Feature expired }
   HASP_OLD_LM = 42;                 { HASP License Manager version too old }
   HASP_DEVICE_ERR = 43;             { Input/Output error occurred }
   HASP_UPDATE_BLOCKED = 44;         { Update installation not permitted; This update was already applied }
   HASP_TIME_ERR = 45;               { System time has been tampered with }
   HASP_SCHAN_ERR = 46;              { Communication error occurred in secure channel }
   HASP_STORAGE_CORRUPT = 47;        { Corrupt data exists in secure storage area of HASP SL protection key }
   HASP_NO_VLIB = 48;                { Unable to find Vendor library }
   HASP_INV_VLIB = 49;               { Unable to load Vendor library }
   HASP_SCOPE_RESULTS_EMPTY = 50;    { Unable to locate any Feature matching scope }
   HASP_VM_DETECTED = 51;            { Program running on a virtual machine }
   HASP_HARDWARE_MODIFIED = 52;      { HASP SL key incompatible }
   HASP_USER_DENIED = 53;            { Login denied because of user restrictions }
   HASP_UPDATE_TOO_OLD = 54;         { out of sequence }
   HASP_UPDATE_TOO_NEW = 55;         { Update to old }
   HASP_OLD_VLIB = 56;               { Old vlib }
   HASP_UPLOAD_ERROR = 57;           { Upload via ACC failed, e.g. because of illegal format }
   HASP_INV_RECIPIENT = 58;          { Invalid XML "recipient" parameter }
   HASP_INV_DETACH_ACTION = 59;      { Invalid XML "action" parameter }
   HASP_TOO_MANY_PRODUCTS = 60;      { scope does not specify a unique product }
   HASP_INV_PRODUCT = 61;            { Invalid Product information }
   HASP_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT = 62;      { Unknown Recipient }
   HASP_INV_DURATION = 63;           { Invalid Duration }
   HASP_CLONE_DETECTED = 64;         { Cloned HASP SL secure storage detected }
   HASP_UPDATE_ALREADY_ADDED = 65;   { Specified v2c update already installed in the LLM }
   HASP_HASP_INACTIVE = 66;          { Specified Hasp Id is in Inactive state }
   HASP_NO_DETACHABLE_FEATURE = 67;  { No detachable feature exists }
   HASP_NO_DEATCHABLE_FEATURE = 67;  { No detachable feature exists (typo kept for compatibility) }
   HASP_TOO_MANY_HOSTS = 68;         { scope does not specify a unique Host }
   HASP_REHOST_NOT_ALLOWED = 69;     { Rehost is not allowed for any license }
   HASP_LICENSE_REHOSTED = 70;       { License is rehosted to other machine }
   HASP_REHOST_ALREADY_APPLIED = 71; { Old rehost license try to apply }
   HASP_CANNOT_READ_FILE = 72;       { File not found or access denied }
   HASP_EXTENSION_NOT_ALLOWED = 73;  { Extension of license not allowed as number of detached licenses is greater than current concurrency count }
   HASP_DETACH_DISABLED = 74;        { Detach of license not allowed as product contains VM disabled feature and host machine is a virtual machine }
   HASP_REHOST_DISABLED = 75;        { Rehost of license not allowed as container contains VM disabled feature and host machine is a virtual machine }
   HASP_DETACHED_LICENSE_FOUND = 76; { Format SL-AdminMode or migrate SL-Legacy to SL-AdminMode not allowed as container has detached license }
   HASP_RECIPIENT_OLD_LM = 77;       { Recipient of the requested operation is older than expected}
   HASP_SECURE_STORE_ID_MISMATCH=78; { Secure storage ID mismatch }
   HASP_NO_API_DYLIB = 400;          { API dispatcher: API for this Vendor Code was not found }
   HASP_INV_API_DYLIB = 401;         { API dispatcher: Unable to load API; DLL possibly corrupt? }
   HASP_INVALID_OBJECT = 500;        { C++ API: Object incorrectly initialized }
   HASP_INVALID_PARAMETER = 501;     { C++ API: Invalid function parameter }
   HASP_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN = 502;     { C++ API: Logging in twice to the same object }
   HASP_ALREADY_LOGGED_OUT = 503;    { C++ API: Logging out twice of the same object }
   HASP_OPERATION_FAILED = 525;      { .NET API: Incorrect use of system or platform }
   HASP_NO_EXTBLOCK = 600;           { Internal use: no classic memory extension block available }
   HASP_INV_PORT_TYPE = 650;         { Internal use: invalid port type }
   HASP_INV_PORT = 651;              { Internal use: invalid port value }
   HASP_NOT_IMPL = 698;              { Requested function not implemented }
   HASP_INT_ERR = 699;               { Internal error occurred in API }
   HASP_FIRST_HELPER = 2001;         { Reserved for HASP helper libraries }
   HASP_FIRST_HASP_ACT = 3001;       { Reserved for HASP Activation API }
   HASP_NEXT_FREE_VALUES = 7001;     {  }